45 research outputs found

    Розробка технології формового желейного мармеладу з внесенням харчової добавки "Магнетофуд"

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    Lack of domestic raw materials, a significant portion of imported high-cost ingredients and increasing competitiveness make manufacturers look for new technological solutions in order to improve the consumer properties of marmalade products. A promising trend in the field of jelly and marmalade products is the creation of products with high quality and long shelf life. For this purpose various food additives, i.e. improvers, are used in jelly marmalade technology. As an improver of shaped jelly marmalade, we have developed and proposed "Magnetofood" food additive, which is nanopowder with a particle size of (70–80) nm. "Magnetofood" is a food additive with high functional and technological potential. "Magnetofood" additive can independently generate structural and mechanical properties of jelly masses, and also it can influence the gelling agent by entering into chemical and electrostatic interactions with it. Therefore the "Magnetofood" food additive can simultaneously affect several technological properties in the food jelly system: to be a stabilizer, a thickener and a gelling agent. Due to Fe (II), nanosize, developed active surface, bacteriostatic character, high thermal stability, "Magnetofood" has reducing, antioxidant, antimicrobial, sorbing, complexable, emulsifying, moisture-retaining, fat-retaining, water-binding, stabilizing, and structuring properties. It makes possible to recommend "Magnetofood" as an additive of complex action to improve the quality and extend the shelf life of shaped jelly marmalade. The influence of "Magnetofood" food additive on organoleptic, physical and chemical, microbiological parameters of test samples of agar- and pectin-based shaped jelly marmalade has been studied.Дефіцит вітчизняної сировини, значна частка імпортних інгредієнтів з високою вартістю, зростаюча конкурентоспроможність змушують виробників шукати нові технологічні рішення для підвищення споживчих властивостей мармеладної продукції. Перспективним напрямком в галузі желейно-мармеладних виробів є створення продукції, яка має високі показники якості і тривалий термін зберігання. З цією метою у технології желейного мармеладу використовуються різні харчові добавки - поліпшувачі. В якості поліпшувача формового желейного мармеладу нами розроблено та запропоновано харчову добавку "Магнетофуд" - нанопорошок з розміром частинок (70–80) нм. "Магнетофуд" - харчова добавка з високим функціонально-технологічним потенціалом. Добавка "Магнетофуд" може як самостійно формувати структурно-механічні властивості желейних мас, так і впливати на гелеутворювач, вступаючи з ним в хімічні і електростатичні взаємодії. Тому, харчова добавка "Магнетофуд" можє впливати одразу на декілька технологічних властивостей у харчовій желейній системі: бути стабілізатором, загусником, драглеутворювачем. За рахунок Fe (ІІ), нанорозмірів, розвиненої активної поверхні, бактеріостатичності, високої термостабільності "Магнетофуд" має відновні, антиоксидантні, антимікробні, сорбційні, комплексоутворюючі, емульгуючі, вологоутримуючі, жироутримуючі, вологозв’язуючі, стабілізуючі, структуруючі властивості. Це дозволяє рекомендувати "Магнетофуд" як добавку комплексної дії для підвищення якості та подовження терміну зберігання формового желейного мармеладу. Досліджено вплив харчової добавки "Магнетофуд" на органолептичні, фізико-хімічні, мікробіологічні показники дослідних зразків формового желейного мармеладу на агарі і пектині

    Формування функціонально-технологічних властивостей тіста та показників якості вівсяного печива з використанням харчової добавки «Магнетофуд»

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    The object of research is the technology of oatmeal cookies using the Magnetofood food additive. Prospective enhancers of food systems (in particular, dough confectionery masses) are nanoadditives, which are characterized by a wide range of functional and technological properties, due to the specificity of their physico-chemical characteristics due to nanoscale size and quantum-mechanical effects.In order to study the influence of the Magnetofood food additive on the functional and technological properties of the dough and the quality indicators of Magnetofood oatmeal cookies additive was injected into the formulation in the form of a fatty suspension at the stage of «oil rubbing». It was established that the administration of the Magnetofood food additive in the formulation of oatmeal cookies in the amount of 0.1; 0.15; 0.2 % of the weight of the prescription mixture as a fatty suspension (as compared to control) contributes to:– increase in the moisture content of the dough (1.2±0.2) %, the stress of the dough shift – by (20±2) Pa and the plastic viscosity of the dough – by (2.2±0.4) kPa·s;– reduction of the dough density on (0.6±0.1) g/cm3;– increase of humidity of oat cookies – by (2.25±0.1) %, typical cookie on (10±2) %, the yield of the cookie – by (2.0±0.5) %, the average value of the ball scoring of the cookie by the organoleptic analysis – by (1.0±0.1) points, improvement of the chewing of the cookie – by (0.4±0.2) points;– decreasing the density of the cookie on (0.10±0.02) g/cm3, bread crumbling – by (0.9±0.2) %, losses at heat treatment on (1.8±0.2) % and alcohols of the cookie on (0.3±0.1).Compared with similar well-known enhancers of food systems, nanoobjects, which include nanopowders (Magnetofood), have enormous potential and carry many important discoveries, new functional and technological properties and promising technological applications. The interaction of Magnetofood nanoparticles with biopolymers is a complex of complex chemical reactions. The result is the formation of spatial nanostructures, which significantly affect the functional and technological properties of raw materials and semi-finished products. In food systems, such additives, in particular Magnetofood, exhibit antioxidant, bacteriostatic, sorption, emulsifying, structure-forming, moisture and fat-retaining properties. This ensures the possibility of obtaining high values of the investigated indicators.Объектом исследования является технология овсяного печенья с использованием пищевой добавки «Магнетофуд». Перспективными улучшителями пищевых систем (в частности, тестовых кондитерских масс) являются нанодобавки, которым присущ широкий спектр функционально-технологических свойств, в силу специфичности их физико-химических характеристик из-за наномасштабного размера и квантово-механических эффектов. С целью изучения влияния пищевой добавки «Магнетофуд» на функционально-технологические свойства теста и показатели качества овсяного печенья добавку «Магнетофуд» вводили в рецептурную смесь в виде жировой суспензии на этапе «растирания масла». Установлено, что введение пищевой добавки «Магнетофуд» в рецептуру овсяного печенья в количестве 0,1; 0,15; 0,2 % к массе рецептурной смеси в виде жировой суспензии (по сравнению с контролем) способствует:– увеличению влажности теста на (1,2±0,2) %, предельного напряжения сдвига теста на (20±2) Па и пластической вязкости теста на (2,2±0,4) кПа×с;– уменьшению плотности теста на (0,6±0,1) г/см3;– увеличению влажности овсяного печенья на (2,25±0,1) %, намокаемости печенья на (10±2) %, выхода печенья на (2,0±0,5) % и среднего значения балльной оценки печенья по органолептическим анализом на (1,0±0,1) балла;– улучшению разжёвываемости печенья на (0,4±0,2) балла;– уменьшению плотности печенья на (0,10±0,02) г/см3, крошливости печенья на (0,9±0,2) %, потерь при термообработке на (1,8±0,2) % и щелочности печенья на (0,3±0,1).По сравнению с аналогичными известными улучшителями пищевых систем нанообъекты, к которым относится нанопорошок «Магнетофуд», имеют огромный потенциал и несут в себе множество важных фундаментальных открытий, новых функционально-технологических свойств и перспективных технологических применений. Взаимодействие наночастиц «Магнетофуд» с биополимерами – это комплекс сложных химических реакций. Результатом является формирование пространственных наноструктур, которые существенно влияют на функционально-технологические свойства сырьевых компонентов и полуфабрикатов. В пищевых системах такие добавки, в частности «Магнетофуд», проявляют антиоксидантные, бактериостатические, сорбционные, эмульгирующие, структурообразующие, влаго- и жироудерживающие свойства. Благодаря этому обеспечивается возможность получения высоких значений исследованных показателейОб’єктом дослідження є технологія вівсяного печива з використанням харчової добавки «Магнетофуд». Перспективними поліпшувачами харчових систем (зокрема, тістових кондитерських мас) є нанодобавки, котрим притаманний широкий спектр функціонально-технологічних властивостей, в силу специфічності їх фізико-хімічних характеристик внаслідок наномасштабного розміру і квантово-механічних ефектів. З метою вивчення впливу харчової добавки «Магнетофуд» на функціонально-технологічні властивості тіста та показники якості вівсяного печива добавку «Магнетофуд» вводили у рецептурну суміш у вигляді жирової суспензії на етапі «розтирання масла». Встановлено, що введення харчової добавки «Магнетофуд» у рецептуру вівсяного печива у кількості 0,1; 0,15; 0,2 % до маси рецептурної суміші у вигляді жирової суспензії (у порівнянні з контролем) сприяє:– збільшенню вологості тіста на (1,2±0,2) %, граничного напруження зсуву тіста на (20±2) Па та пластичної в’язкості тіста на (2,2±0,4) кПа×с;– зменшенню густини тіста на (0,6±0,1) г/см3;– збільшенню вологості вівсяного печива на (2,25±0,1) %, намочуваності печива на (10±2) %, виходу печива на (2,0±0,5) % та середнього значення бальної оцінки печива за органолептичним аналізом на (1,0±0,1) бали;– покращенню розжовуваності печива на (0,4±0,2) бали;– зменшунню густини печива на (0,10±0,02) г/см3, крошливості печива на (0,9±0,2) %, втрат при термообробці на (1,8±0,2) % та лужності печива на (0,3±0,1).У порівнянні з аналогічними відомими покращувачами харчових систем нанооб’єкти, до яких відноситься нанопорошок «Магнетофуд», мають величезний потенціал і несуть в собі безліч важливих фундаментальних відкриттів, нових функціонально-технологічних властивостей і перспективних технологічних застосувань. Взаємодія наночастинок «Магнетофуд» з біополімерами – це комплекс складних хімічних реакцій. Результатом є формування просторових наноструктур, які суттєво впливають на функціонально-технологічні властивості сировинних компонентів і напівфабрикатів. У харчових системах такі добавки, зокрема «Магнетофуд», проявляють антиоксидантні, бактеріостатичні, сорбційні, емульгуючі, структуроутворюючі, волого- і жироутримуючі властивості. Завдяки цьому забезпечується можливість отримання високих значень досліджених показникі

    Формування функціонально-технологічних властивостей борошна, тіста та показників якості готових виробів у технології заварних пряників з використанням харчової добавки «Магнетофуд»

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    The object of research is the technology of custard gingerbread from a mixture of rye and wheat flour using the food additive «Magnetofood». To improve the technology and to obtain high-quality products with a long term preservation of freshness, various technological methods are used, including the introduction of food additives that enhance complex action. Promising improvers of food systems (in particular, flour confectionery masses) are nano-additives that have a wide range of functional and technological properties, due to the specificity of their physico-chemical characteristics due to the nanoscale size and quantum mechanical effects. In order to study the influence of «Magnetofood» food additive on the functional, technological, physicochemical and structural-mechanical properties of flour, dough and quality indices of custard gingerbread, model dough of «Magnetofood» food additive was introduced into the prescription mixture in the form of a fat suspension in the «kneading the dough» stage. It is established that the introduction of the additive «Magnetofood» in the amount of 0.10 %; 0.15 %; 0.20 % by weight of the prescription mixture compared to the control in samples of rye-wheat flour:– increases: water-binding ability – by (2±1) %; fat-holding capacity – by (8.8±0.8) %; swelling capacity – by (1.56±0.02) cm3/g; water absorption capacity – by (6.6±0.2) %; water retention capacity – by (15.0±0.9) %; dough stability – at (0.7±0.1)×60 s;– reduces the time of formation of the dough by (1.6±0.2)×60 s and the degree of vacuum of the dough – by (23±2) units of the farinograph;– in samples of gingerbread dough increases humidity by (1.3±0.2) %;– reduces the dough density by (0.7±0.1) g/cm3;– increases plastic viscosity by (2.2±0.4) kPa×s compared to control;– in samples of finished products increases the output by (4.3±0.5) %, humidity by (2.4±0.1) %, and wetting by (20±2) %; improves fluidity on (0.5±0.2) points; reduces crumbling by (1.0±0.2) %.Compared to similar well-known food system improvers, nanoobjects, which include nanopowder based on iron oxides Fe3O4 («Magnetofood»), exhibit antioxidant, bacteriostatic, sorption, emulsifying, structure-forming, moisture-and fat-retaining properties. This ensures the possibility of obtaining high values of the studied parameters.Объектом исследования является технология заварных пряников из смеси ржаной и пшеничной муки с использованием пищевой добавки «Магнетофуд». Для усовершенствования технологии и получения качественной продукции с длительным сроком сохранения свежести используют различные технологические приемы, в том числе введение пищевых добавок-улучшителей комплексного действия. Перспективными улучшателями пищевых систем (в частности, мучных кондитерских масс) является нанодобавки, которым присущ широкий спектр функционально-технологических свойств, в силу специфичности их физико-химических характеристик вследствие наномасштабного размера и квантово-механических эффектов. С целью изучения влияния пищевой добавки «Магнетофуд» на функционально-технологические, физико-химические и структурно-механические свойства муки, теста и показатели качества заварных пряников добавку «Магнетофуд» вводили в рецептурную смесь в виде жировой суспензии на этапе «замешивания теста». Установлено, что введение добавки «Магнетофуд» в количестве 0,10 %; 0,15 %; 0,20 % к массе рецептурной смеси по сравнению с контролем в образцах ржано-пшеничной муки:– увеличивает: водосвязываюую способность – на (21±1) %; жироудерживающую способность – на (8,8±0,8) %; набухающую способность – на (1,56±0,02) см3/г; водопоглотительную способность – на (6,6±0,2) %; водоудерживающую способность – на (15,0±0,9) %; устойчивость теста – на (0,7±0,1)×60 с;– уменьшает время образования теста на (1,6±0,2)×60 с и степень разрежения теста – на (23±2) единиц фаринографа;– в образцах пряничного теста увеличивает влажность на (1,3±0,2) %;– уменьшает плотность теста на (0,7±0,1) г/см3;– повышает пластическую вязкость на (2,2±0,4) кПа×с по сравнению с контролем;– в образцах готовых изделий увеличивает выход на (4,3±0,5) %, влажность на (2,4±0,1) %, намокаемсть на (20±2) %; улучшает разжёвываемость на (0,5±0,2) балла; уменьшает крошливость на (1,0±0,2) %.По сравнению с аналогичными известными улучшителями пищевых систем, нанообъекты, к которым относится нанопорошок на основе оксидов железа Fe3O4 («Магнетофуд»), проявляют антиоксидантные, бактериостатические, сорбционные, эмульгирующие, структурообразующие, влаго- и жироудерживающие свойства. Благодаря этому обеспечивается возможность получения высоких значений исследованных показателей.Об’єктом дослідження є технологія заварних пряників з суміші житнього та пшеничного борошна з використанням харчової добавки «Магнетофуд». Для удосконалення технології та отримання якісної продукції з подовженим терміном збереження свіжості використовують різні технологічні прийоми, у тому числі введення харчових добавок-поліпшувачів комплексної дії. Перспективними поліпшувачами харчових систем (зокрема, борошняних кондитерських мас) є нанодобавки, котрим притаманний широкий спектр функціонально-технологічних властивостей, в силу специфічності їх фізико-хімічних характеристик внаслідок наномасштабного розміру і квантово-механічних ефектів. З метою вивчення впливу харчової добавки «Магнетофуд» на функціонально-технологічні, фізико-хімічні та структурно-механічні властивості борошна, тіста та показники якості заварних пряників добавку «Магнетофуд» вводили у рецептурну суміш у вигляді жирової суспензії на етапі «замішування тіста». Встановлено, що введення добавки «Магнетофуд» в кількості 0,10 %; 0,15 %; 0,20 % до маси рецептурної суміші у порівнянні з контролем у зразках житньо-пшеничного борошна:– збільшує: вологозв’язуючу здатність – на (21±1) %; жироутримуючу здатність – на (8,8±0,8) %; набухаючу здатність – на (1,56±0,02) см3/г; водопоглинальну здатність – на (6,6±0,2) %; водоутримуючу здатність – на (15,0±0,9) %; стійкість тіста – на (0,7±0,1)×60 с;– зменшує час утворення тіста на (1,6±0,2)×60 с та ступінь розрідження тіста – на (23±2) одиниць фарінографа;– у зразках пряникового тіста збільшує вологість на (1,3±0,2) %;– зменшує густину тіста на (0,7±0,1) г/см3;– підвищує пластичну в’язкість на (2,2±0,4) кПа×с у порівнянні з контролем;– у зразках готових виробів збільшує вихід на (4,3±0,5) %, вологість на (2,4±0,1) %, намочуваність на (20±2) %; покращує разжевиваємість на (0,5±0,2) бали; зменшує крошливість на (1,0±0,2) %.У порівнянні з аналогічними відомими покращувачами харчових систем нанооб’єкти, до яких відноситься нанопорошок на основі оксидів заліза Fe3O4 («Магнетофуд»), проявляють антиоксидантні, бактеріостатичні, сорбційні, емульгуючі, структуроутворюючі, волого- і жироутримуючі властивості. Завдяки цьому забезпечується можливість отримання високих значень досліджених показників


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    The results of the influence of the food additive "Magnetofood" on the quality indicators of whipped confectionery in the technologies of curd dessert and white-pink marshmallow (organoleptic characteristics, density, mechanical strength, effective viscosity, degree of overrun and volume kinetics during storage) are presented. It was found that the introduction of the additive "Magnetofood" into the prototypes of cottage cheese desserts and white-pink marshmallows (on agar and pectin) in an amount from 0.1 % to 0.2 % to the mass of the recipe mixture in comparison with the control improves the structure, texture and external type of whipped products; the distribution function of air bubbles by diameter is narrow and symmetric, the diameter d = (45 ... 50) 10-3 m is a fundamental factor indicating the stabilizing effect of nanoparticles of the food additive "Magnetofood". It was found that with an increase in the mass fraction of the food additive "Magnetofood", the following increases (compared to the control): in curd desserts - the maximum shear stress by a factor of (1.18 ... 1.3) and the thixotropy coefficient by 1.26 times; in white-pink marshmallows - the strength of the foam structure is (1.1 ... 1.2) times and the effective viscosity of the marshmallow masses is (1.35 ... 1.55) times (which has a positive effect on the texture of the product and the extension of the period preservation of the freshness of finished products); as well as in marshmallow masses, they decrease: density by (1.12 ... 1.15) times and the duration of whipping by (1.5 ... 2.5) 60 s. The rational content of the additive "Magnetofood" in the recipes of curd dessert and marshmallow of white-pink marshmallow was determined – 0.15 % to the mass of the recipe mixture. The prospects of using "Magnetofood" as an improver and stabilizer of polyphase foam-like structures have been determined Object of research: production technology of cottage cheese desserts and white-pink marshmallows (on agar and pectin). Investigated problem: obtaining stable polyphase food systems, in particular, a foam-like structure, with a deviation of the quality indicators of raw ingredients and technological parameters in production conditions. Main scientific results: a deterioration in the quality of cottage cheese desserts and marshmallow products was revealed with a deviation of the physicochemical parameters of raw ingredients (in particular, cottage cheese, pectin, agar) and possible ranges of deviations of the initial values of the process parameters (temperature conditions, duration of whipping and gelation) leading to a deterioration the quality of finished products in terms of the following indicators: organoleptic characteristics, physicochemical, microbiological and functional and technological properties, shelf life. It is shown that improving the technology and increasing the stability of the polyphase structure of foam-like food products can be achieved by introducing a food additive of complex action "Magnetofood". In particular, due to the structure-forming, stabilizing, water-retaining and bacteriostatic properties of the Magnetofood additive. As a result of the introduction of 0.15 % food additive "Magnetofood" into the recipe for cottage cheese dessert and white-pink marshmallow, the following improves: organoleptic, structural-mechanical and physical-chemical indicators; structure, consistency and appearance of the whipped product; storage periods are extended. The area of practical use of the research results: food enterprises specializing in the production of whipped products (fermented milk desserts, pastel-marmalade products, sambucs). Innovative technological product: technology for the production of cottage cheese dessert and marshmallow white-pink (on agar) and (on pectin) using the food additive "Magnetofood". Scope of application of the innovative technological product: food industry, restaurant enterprises


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    The influence of the polyfunctional food additive "Magnetofood" on the yield, batching, shrinkage, as well as physicochemical, microbiological, organoleptic parameters of wheat–rye bread" Kharkiv Rodnichok " enriched with this additive was investigated. The introduction of the food additive "Magnetofood" helps to increase the biological value (the content of the microelement of Fe is increased by 3 mg / 100 g), the energy value (increases by 3 kcal / 100 g) and the storage period (grows by 12 hours) in the experimental bread samples " Kharkiv Rodnichok " compared with the control (wheat–rye bread "Darnitsky"). That is, the food supplement "Magnetofood" due to Fe2 + can be recommended as an antioxidant and a source of easily digestible iron and an anti–anemia agent. It has been experimentally established that the introduction of the polyfunctional food additive "Magnetofood" improves the yield and quality of wheat–rye bread. In addition, the quality of bread is influenced by the way of introduction of "Magnetofood": when introducing "Magnetofud" in the form of an oil suspension (CHI), the indices are 1–2% better than when adding the additive as a dry powder. It also follows from the data obtained that the physicochemical parameters of the experimental bread samples " Kharkiv Rodnichok " are improved in comparison with the control (Bread "Darnitsky") as follows: yield, bake, shrinkage, porosity of crumb are increased by 2–3%, 5–10 %, 5–10%, 3–6% respectively; and the crumb humidity and acidity decrease by 1% and 1.0– 1.5 °, respectively. Microbiological studies have shown that seeding Вас. subtilis after 10 days will increase: in control 2 times, and in the samples of bread "Kharkov fontanel" 1, 2 – in 1,3 times. That is, "Magnetofood" has an antimicrobial effect, which leads to better quality, preservation of freshness and lengthening the shelf life of bakery products. Thus, the introduction of the polyfunctional food additive "Magnetofood" in wheat–rye bread improves yield, quality and shelf life.&nbsp


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    Today in Ukraine the share of low-quality bakery products is near 20–25 %, because they often don’t correspond to quality standards and sanitary norms, because of being produced of flour with low bakery properties. That is why new raw material sources, functional ingredients and so on are searched for in bread technologies. For using new raw material and food supplement types, it is necessary to know their functional-technological properties (FTP) that allows to prognosticate the behavior of powder-like raw materials and food supplements in food masses at technological processing and storage of ready products. The water-retaining capacity (WRC) is one of main functional-technological parameters of carbohydrate-containing raw materials, because it favors the outcome, structural-mechanical properties and quality characteristics of ready products. The authors introduced “Magnetofood” polyfunctional food supplement for increasing WRC of rye-wheat dough. For grounding the mechanism of forming supramolecular groups in carbohydrate food systems: Magnetofood-polysacharide-water, there was studied the influence of “Magnetofood” food supplement on processes of hydration, swelling and water-retention by rye-wheat starch and rye-wheat flour. It was established, that introduction of “Magnetofood” food supplement in rye-wheat starch and flour in amounts: 0,10; 0,15; 0,20 % to the mass of starch or flour increases swelling and water-retaining capacity (WRC) of starch and flour: swelling in 1,3–1,5 and 1,5–2,25 times, respectively; WRC in 1,10–1,15 and 1,1–1,3 times, respectively. The rational dose of “Magnetofood” food supplement – 0,15 % to the mass of dry raw material was experimentally set.  There was studied the influence of “Magnetofood” food supplement on rheological properties of water suspensions of rye-wheat starch and flour at different temperatures and different speeds of shift. It was established, that adding “Magnetofood” in amount 0,15 % favors increasing the effective viscosity of suspensions of experimental samples of starch and flour at temperatures: (23±2) ºС and (40±2) ºС comparing with control samples in average by 29,0 % – for starch and by 22,0 % – for flour at 23 °С and by 16,0 % – for starch and by 10,0 % – for flour at 40 °С. There was studied the dynamics of changing viscosity of colloid solutions of starch and flour, enriched with “Magnetofood” in amount 0,15 % to the mass of dry raw material in the keeping process at different temperatures and shift speed 9 s-1. There was established the increase of viscosity of suspensions of rye-wheat starch and flour in the process of infusion (especially at adding “Magnetofood”) that is connected with continuing hydration and swelling process. It was demonstrated, that the temperature increase of the colloid system from (23±20) ° С to (40±2) °С favors the increase of its viscosity – both at the initial moment and in infusion process during 30 min in average by 20,0–25,0 % at the expanse of the aforesaid processes. Moreover, adding “Magnetofood” accelerates and intensifies the processes of swelling and hydration of experimental samples of rye-wheat starch and flour comparing with control ones. The received experimental data may be used at elaborating the technology of rye-wheat bread, enriched with “Magnetofood” food supplement; and also at elaborating innovative technologies of carbohydrate food systems. The results of this study may be used at elaborating recipes and technologies of carbohydrate-containing food products for increasing their viscosity, water-retaining and stabilizing capacities


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    Under modern conditions, creation of new high effective technologies of bread is connected with a necessity of solving a problem of the products quality at the discrete work of enterprises: at processing raw materials (flour) with decreased properties in ecologically unfavorable regions, manufacturing products with prolonged storage terms, high consumption characteristics, diet destination, for treating-prophylactic nutrition. The development of innovative technologies of bakery products of rye-wheat flour is based on revelation of conceptual approaches, connected with creation of new functional technological properties of dough systems and ready products. That is why in bread technologies there are searched new raw material sources, food supplements-improvers, able to raise consumption characteristics, storage terms, food value; to enrich a ready product with functional ingredients and so on. The water-retaining capacity (WRC) – is one of main functional-technological parameters of food raw materials and ready products, because it favors the output, prime cost and quality characteristics of bakery products. For increasing WRC of rye-wheat dough, there is proposed the polyfunctional food supplement “Magnetofood”. For reasoning the mechanism of its interaction with polymer matrixes of lipo- and glucoproteids of rye-wheat flour and WRC mechanism of the food supplement “Magnetofood” in rye-wheat dough – there was investigated the influence of “Magnetofood” on processes of hydration, dissolution and water-retention of rye-wheat flour. It was established, that introduction of the food supplement “Magnetofood” in rye-wheat flour in amounts: 0,10; 0,15; 0,20 % of a flour mass increases its solubility and WRC: solubility – by 4,5 – 12,5 %; WRC – in 1,1 – 1,3 times, respectively. The rational dose of the food supplement “Magnetofood” is experimentally determined -– 0,15 % of a flour mass. There was investigated the influence of the food supplement “Magnetofood” on a quantity of bound water by experimental samples of rye-wheat flour at temperatures from 30 to 70 оС. It was established, that the temperature growth in experiments results in increasing the quantity of bound water for all experimental samples. Addition of “Magnetofood” in amounts: 0,10; 0,15; 0,20 % of a flour mass favors the increase of bound water in 1,2 – 1,5 times, comparing with the control (without “Magnetofood”). The received experimental data may be used at developing the technology of rye-wheat bread, enriched with the polyfunctional food supplement “Magnetofood”; and also at developing innovative technologies of food system systems (especially, meat, confectionary, milk ones). The results of the study may be used for developing recipes and technologies of food products for increasing their output, water-retaining and stabilizing capacities

    Investigation of the Water-retaining Capacity of the Carbohydrate Complex of Rye-wheat Dough with Addition of Polyfunctional Food Supplement “Magnetofооd”

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    Today in Ukraine the share of low-quality bakery products is near 20–25 %, because they often don\u27t correspond to quality standards and sanitary norms, because of being produced of flour with low bakery properties. That is why new raw material sources, functional ingredients and so on are searched for in bread technologies. For using new raw material and food supplement types, it is necessary to know their functional-technological properties (FTP) that allows to prognosticate the behavior of powder-like raw materials and food supplements in food masses at technological processing and storage of ready products.The water-retaining capacity (WRC) is one of main functional-technological parameters of carbohydrate-containing raw materials, because it favors the outcome, structural-mechanical properties and quality characteristics of ready products.The authors introduced “Magnetofood” polyfunctional food supplement for increasing WRC of rye-wheat dough. For grounding the mechanism of forming supramolecular groups in carbohydrate food systems: Magnetofood-polysacharide-water, there was studied the influence of “Magnetofood” food supplement on processes of hydration, swelling and water-retention by rye-wheat starch and rye-wheat flour.It was established, that introduction of “Magnetofood” food supplement in rye-wheat starch and flour in amounts: 0,10; 0,15; 0,20 % to the mass of starch or flour increases swelling and water-retaining capacity (WRC) of starch and flour: swelling in 1,3–1,5 and 1,5–2,25 times, respectively; WRC in 1,10–1,15 and 1,1–1,3 times, respectively.The rational dose of “Magnetofood” food supplement – 0,15 % to the mass of dry raw material was experimentally set. There was studied the influence of “Magnetofood” food supplement on rheological properties of water suspensions of rye-wheat starch and flour at different temperatures and different speeds of shift.It was established, that adding “Magnetofood” in amount 0,15 % favors increasing the effective viscosity of suspensions of experimental samples of starch and flour at temperatures: (23±2) ºС and (40±2) ºС comparing with control samples in average by 29,0 % – for starch and by 22,0 % – for flour at 23 °С and by 16,0 % – for starch and by 10,0 % – for flour at 40 °С.There was studied the dynamics of changing viscosity of colloid solutions of starch and flour, enriched with “Magnetofood” in amount 0,15 % to the mass of dry raw material in the keeping process at different temperatures and shift speed 9 s-1.There was established the increase of viscosity of suspensions of rye-wheat starch and flour in the process of infusion (especially at adding “Magnetofood”) that is connected with continuing hydration and swelling process.It was demonstrated, that the temperature increase of the colloid system from (23±20) ° С to (40±2) °С favors the increase of its viscosity – both at the initial moment and in infusion process during 30 min in average by 20,0–25,0 % at the expanse of the aforesaid processes. Moreover, adding “Magnetofood” accelerates and intensifies the processes of swelling and hydration of experimental samples of rye-wheat starch and flour comparing with control ones.The received experimental data may be used at elaborating the technology of rye-wheat bread, enriched with “Magnetofood” food supplement; and also at elaborating innovative technologies of carbohydrate food systems.The results of this study may be used at elaborating recipes and technologies of carbohydrate-containing food products for increasing their viscosity, water-retaining and stabilizing capacities

    Improving the Technique of Scrambled Desserts Using the Food Supplement “Magnetofood”

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    For improving the technology of scrambled dessert products, a food supplement, based on the nanopowder of oxides of two- and trivalent iron “Magnetofood” was introduced in the recipe composition. The object of the studies is base recipes: one of mousse “Cranberry” and sambuk “Apple”. For determining technological characteristics and quality parameters, conventional standard methods were used.It has been established, that introduction of the food supplement “Magnetofood” in amount 0,1 %, 0,15 %, 0,2 % of the recipe mixture mass improves consumption properties of scrambled desserts. The mean value of the organoleptic analysis increases by (1,25±0,1) points. The density also decreases by (29±1) kg/m3 for mousses, by (26±1) kg/m3 for sambuks, and scrambling duration – by ~ 3 minutes. At storing during 24 hours at h=(90±2) %, the microbial contamination of the surface of samples decreases – QMAFAnM in 10 times, yeasts – in 2 times, molds – in 2 times.It has been established, that introduction of the supplement “Magnetofood” favors the growth of the foam-creating ability in average: by (40±2) % for mousses, by (55±3) % for sambuks. The porosity increases by (14,3±0,7) % for mousses, by (12,7±0, 6) % for sambuks. The foam structure stability of scrambled desserts improves by (14±1,1) %. The food supplement “Magnetofood” also raises the effective viscosity by (32 ±1) Pa·s for mousses and by (41±2) Pa·s for sambuks and the mechanical strength of scrambled desserts in 1,23 times.The highest parameters were inherited to mousses and sambuks with supplement “Magnetofood” mass share 0,15 %.There have been experimentally substantiated scrambling technological parameters and regimes of recipe mixtures of berry-fruit mousses and sambuks, modified by the food supplement “Magnetofood”. The total scrambling duration is (14–16) minutes. The initial scrambling speed of the berry-fruit base is (2,0–2,2) s-1, at that the scrambling time is (5–6)·60s. Then the recipe mixture is scrambled at speed (3,3–3,5) s-1 during (3–4)·60s. Scrambling is finished at speed (2,0–2,2) s-1. The distinctive feature of the improved technology is premixing of the food supplement “Magnetofood” with gelatin, realized before the technological operation of soaking gelatin in cold water.The obtained experimental data may be used at developing innovative technologies of scrambled dessert products with the food supplement “Magnetofood”


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    The study of stability of lipid-magnetite suspensions (LMS) was carried out using photometry and electronic microscopy. All suspensions are rather stable in time. The best results in stability were demonstrated by suspensions with ratio Fe3O4: SAS=0,02:0,35 g or 0,04 mass % : 0,70 mass % and 0,025: 0,35 g or 0,05 mass % : 0,70 mass %. The sizes of magnetite particles from SAS were determined as– <d>~76 nm. It was established, that with time (0–48,0 hours) and growth of wave length (210 – 1000 nm) is observed the gradual increase of transmission coefficient from 25 % (210 nm) to 71,9 % (1000 nm) at 0 hours of suspension ageing; from 27,5 % (210 nm) to 81,2 % (1000 nm) at maximal time of suspension ageing (48 hours). There parameters of LMS were determined: concentration of particles – N=1,43 ∙ 1012 cm-3, in 48 hours concentration decreased by 20 % (N=1,19∙1012 cm-3); r=38 nm, n=1,48, κ=0,01. The function of particles distribution by sizes is rather narrow and symmetric that certifies the system of synthesized nanoparticles as homogenous with low degree of polydispersity. Ultraviolet spectrums of LMS and their components were fixed and analyzed. Comparison of transmission spectrums of suspensions with different degree of dilution testifies to the chemical identity of samples. There were studied kinetic dependencies of transmission coefficient for suspensions with different magnetite concentration (Fegen), on which base was calculated the effective radius of particles of stabilized magnetite: 76–168 nm. The mean radius of particles in lipid suspension of magnetite without stabilizer (reff)=400 nm. Visually LMS manifested the high aggregative stability with high sedimentation time 48 hours. It was established, that LMS can be used as biologically active and feed additives with complex effect: manifest antioxidant activity, are the source of easily assimilated iron, improve quality and increase storage terms of fat-containing products. Thus, introduction of LMS in foodstuff improves its quality, nutritive and biological value.&nbsp